Kingdom Empowerment Class
About Reigning in Righteousness
The Reigning in Righteous Empowerment class consist of two sessions of scriptural study led by Holy Spirit through the Word of God focusing on Righteousness.
The goal of this class is to empower you by taking a look at this spiritual gift of Righteousness through the scriptures and Holy Spirit’s insight. While we are gaining the knowledge of God’s truth in our spiritual state of Righteous before Him, we’re being set free from a lie that was delivered to us by the adversaries in our past. If you are a part of these sessions, God has drawn you to be prepared to grow in this grace gift and understanding of the Righteousness of God.
About The Instructor – Prophet Katherine Field
The “Enrollment” button will redirect you to our registration page.

About Spiritual Training for the Believer
Online Course | Complete at Your Pace
Spiritual Training for The Believer is designed to help you understand how God has equipped you spiritually to operate in the spiritual realm as well as the natural. You were created in the image and likeness of God to re-present Him in the earth.
About The Instructor – Dorrine Jones
Dorrine Jones is a vibrant apostolic and prophetic trainer in the Body of Christ equipping believers to fulfill their prophetic destiny. Her passion is to see the Body of Christ be Mobilized, Maximized and Intensified to fulfill God’s purpose in the earth.
As an international speaker in over thirty nations, she has ministered to thousands of women through her, School of the Woman program consisting of: workshops, seminars and conferences. She has also authored several books. Her most popular of which are The Eaglefied Woman and The Authentic Woman of God. She has also been a frequent host of TBN Network, “Joy in our Town”, Philadelphia.
Aside from being a wife and mother, Dorrine is also a certified trainer for teaching Success Principles and Personal Growth and Development, for women in the marketplace.
She is the Founder and President of the Kingdom Warrior Institute, and serves as Apostolic Overseer of Abounding Grace Family Worship Center with her husband Harry D. Jones.
The Enrollment” button will redirect you to our KWI homepage and online course platform. From there you can follow the steps to “officially” enroll.
Step 1: Click the “Enroll for Your FREE Course!” button on the homepage.
Step 2: Click the “Enroll for FREE” button on the course page “Spiritual Training for the Believer“.
Step 3: Complete the form to Create a New Account and sign-up to the online platform.
Step 4: Begin to take this class at your own pace.
The KWI homepage will have additional answers to a few FAQs you may have.